(a) Citizens of Malaysia and/persons normally resident in Malaysia who have had at least five years of comprehensive experience in Public Relations practice and satisfy the Council that they possess a sound understanding of the principles of Public Relations and that they are prepared to undertake its practice as defined by the Code of Professional Conduct of IPRM; and
(b) Citizens of Malaysia and / persons normally resident in Malaysia who have passed the Public Relations Examinations ( diploma/degrees/ postgraduate) from recognised educational institutions or as decided by the Council or which, in the opinion of the Council; would constitute its equivalent examination and have at least one year's comprehensive experience in the practice of public relations as defined by the Council.
Members shall be entitled to use the letters ‘MIPR' with their name and to exercise full voting rights in the affairs of the Institute.
Corporate membership shall be open to corporate bodies or associations having headquarters or registered offices in Malaysia whose applications for membership are acceptable to the Council. Corporate membership shall confer the following privileges but no voting rights of kind:
(a) Corporate Member shall receive two copies of each of the Institute publications;
(b) Corporate Members shall be entitled to be represented at conferences, meetings, facility visits and other functions organized by the Institute by two persons who shall be subject to the same conditions governing each event as may be applicable to members; and
(c) Corporate Members shall be entitled to a Corporate Membership Certificate and to use the ordinary facilities of the Institute.